Monday, July 21, 2014


“Many of us assume we must either oppose or support gun control. Not so.” (LaFollette, 2007, p. 179).   
Non-Gun Control Argument
             Thomas Jefferson stated, "A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Therefore, government does not have a right to regulate gun control. I believe the “fundamental” right issues discussed in LaFollette (2007) are to be left up to each person’s interpretation. After all, one person may view owning a gun as necessary and basic, another person may see differently. As long as a citizen follows the law and is responsible with their gun, they should not be denied their constitutional right to own firearms.
According to Lester Gray (1986), “Free men own guns - slaves do not” (p. A-23). In other words, if our right to bear arms were taken way, we are no longer free but slaves to the government. The right to bear arms was given to us by our forefathers because they knew that tyranny can occur by any government and owning a gun we would then have a way to protect ourselves (Gary, 1983). In a way, the amendment can be seen as a checks and balance in place to remind the government to know their place.
            Hellman’s (1999) article contends that guns should be illegal because “if murder is a crime, the instrument to commit it should be illegal” (p. 12A). This is a ridiculous argument because there are many objects that have the capability of committing murder. For example, if I decide to whack someone over the head with a frying pan, the frying pan is now an instrument to commit a crime. Therefore, according to Hellman’s (1999) argument, frying pans should be illegal.
Gun Control Argument
           “Gun control supporters offer empirical evidence of a positive correlation between murder rates and the availability of guns (especially handguns)” (LaFollette, 2007, p. 188). Guns are too easy of a way to kill others. When a person who owns a hand gun becomes angery or depressed the chance of them killing someone is greater (LaFollette, 2007). One angry Canadian citizen believes guns should be illegal because parents are neglecting their responsibility in keeping their kids safe (O’Brien, A-21). Similar, LaFollette (2007) argued on these lines by stating that there is a higher chance of deadly accidents when children have access to guns. 


Gray, Lester. (1986, Nov). Bearing Arms Bearing Arms. Providence Journal, Providence, RI, A-




Retrieved from  

Hellman, Lillian. (1999, Aug 17). Why aren’t guns illegal?  Sun Sentinel, 12-A.
Retrieved from


LaFollette, Hugh. (2007) The Practices of Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley, Blackwell

O'Brien, Ken. (2003, Jan 09).  Gun ownership should be illegal. Toronto Star, Toronto, Ont,


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